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-Through my eyes-

31 January 2006

Google Blog on Recent Toolbar Changes

Worth noting: "As the Google Toolbar has gotten more popular, the greatest source of ideas about new features has come from our users."

Source: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2006/01/all-buttoned-up.html

30 January 2006

Recent Google Problems

Hate sayin this but recent Google problems with DOJ where Google so gallantly defied the powers-that-be and immediately censored China results could be related. The whole DOJ farce could have been designed to off-set the backlash from Google's recent China fling. Afterall, DOJ was really asking for something ridiculous, almost worthless.

Result of Matt Cutts Feedback

I don't know if I submitted to Matt Cutts or to Google's Suggestion area, but now with the new beta Google Toolbar 4 installed, you can right click a word and get it's dictionary meaning!

29 January 2006

The Google Way

Google's way of doing business. Create something interesting. Get audience. Sell advertisement that interests that audience.

Origami Software

A software that step by step, teaches you to make origami figures.
The software has a simple interface to enable the original author easily store the steps.
Is web enabled. Would be a good website to generate audience and get advertisement.

27 January 2006

Google Algorithm Thought

Suppose I search for "free C++ compiler" on Google.

Obviously, Google should show me sites that actually have a free cpp compiler and not some site that's optimized for the keyword, without having a free compiler.

I wonder how Google would find this.

Joomla! - Main

Joomla! - Main

Wordpress Themes

Very nice!

26 January 2006

Smart GUI

The idea is for a user interface that's smart. It shows button shortcuts at the time of their need.

25 January 2006

The new internet bubble

Two reasons why I think the new internet bubble is here to stay. The structure of this bubble is fundamentally different from the last one.

1- Because the big guys are actually making real money from service sold. They are not making hollow money from pure stocks.

2- Because of adwords, Google has spun off new economies altogether. They are the creators of the new economy. The impact is for real.

24 January 2006

Best SEO Blog

I should create another blog that shows the best of SEO from multiple sources like webmasterworld.

Screen Saver Idea

This is a little tricky to explain.

Screensaver off state: Your desktop shows a nice bg view. You have your icons lined up. Your bag image is a panorama with grass and sky and stuff like that. Obviously, it's static- it's just a picture!

Screensaver on state: Once the screensaver is on, the entire screen is captured, including the taskbar and icons and the bg image starts to animate. A plane flies over. The grass waves with wind. The trees bend. A deer runs by occasionally. All is random. When the mouse is touched (or whatever) PC behaves same as screensaver off state.

So to the user the transition is transparent and it looks like that the bg is just alive.

20 January 2006


Indexes your server logs for a query search. Would they be bought by Google?

Google Adword Ad Position

Some ads perform better even when they are at a lower place. Some ads perform better at a higher place. Some ads don't have as good a conversion rate (buying) at a higher place as some at a lower.

What's the key? More discriminate buyers. Qs: What products and services lend themselves to a more discriminate buyer?

Premise behind Google AdWords

Yes, there's a big premise. Users have a NEED to acquire a product or information on a product. And hence they initiate the solution via web searching. And hence ads show.

But many times, people DON'T have a need. Or they have to be informed about a need. The need has to be created. In those cases people don't initiate a search. They can only be convinced through an interaction, like sales call or Direct Mail. Or even more broadly speaking, information should be shoved in.

That is why, traditional marketing channels like sales and DM will always exist.

You can also segment any market with this framework. Those who have a need, are aware of it and are looking to satisfy it using the web. And those who don't know about a need. Such segments ought to be closed via other marketing channels.

Good dedicated hosting company


19 January 2006


So today I was the first one to leave a comment on a story and was also allowed modding.

17 January 2006

Google's response to suggestion

Thank you for sharing your suggestion with us. We're focusing our energyon improving your Google search experience, so we're not able to provide apersonal reply to your message. However, we read all the mail and willkeep your ideas in mind as we work to improve Google. We appreciate yourtaking the time to write.
Regards,The Google Team

16 January 2006


12 January 2006

Google GPS?

Integrate Google Earth to a GPS.

11 January 2006

Pharma ads on Fox

There seem to be a lot of sleeping pills ads during the opinionated segments on Fox News. Makes sense.

10 January 2006

Even more feedback for Matt Cutts

While on the subject, can you add a feature in froogle where sites that have a promotion on the product I'm looking at are tagged or visible seperate.

And sorry for leaving same comments on two threads! I didn't realize that this is the thread where I had to leave feedback.

More feedback to Matt Cutts

Sorry, a couple more.
4- When Google toolbar is installed, I select a word, right click and click on the option for the meaning of the word. Currently you can translate the word. Why not also show it's meaning?

5- Develop sophisticated command line querying for Google desktop search. I'm not a programmer. Just tech-savvy. My PC is a giant living/breathing database. I want to 'mine' it. Can you help?

Feedback about Google to Matt Cutts

1- Google's image results have the main site URL below each image (other than the image URL). The main URL ought to be hyperlinked. At the moment it is not. Sometimes I look at an image and want to directly go to the site. Currently, I have to copy paste the URL to a new browser window.

2- In Google Video, I want to bookmark interesting videos for future reference. Like I come across something at work but I want to check it out later at home. I'm sure the bookmarking would fit in nicely with gmail account and is consistent with Google's mission.

3- Maybe you should stop displaying the number of milliseconds it took to pull a query out. I really could care less. Seriously.

09 January 2006


Google video is good for Microsoft. Suppose I get hooked to Goog video. I can only watch them on PC on my small screen and awkward chair. Suppose someone brings the internet to my 27inch TV in the living room where I can download bzillion videos for free and TV shows for $1.99 a pop. That would be cool. That would make MS's living room initiative worth it.

And this is precisely where targetted advertising will blend in with TV. We will see adwords on TV depending on the video.

06 January 2006

Charlie Rose on Google Video

Prediction: Charlie Rose show will be downloadable on Google Video. Google CEO's have been on CR many times.

Essense of viral marketing

My understanding. Following components to successful viral marketing project:

1- A clearly defined group of people.
2- An entry point into the group. Here the information is introducted into the group. There can be multiple entry points, including broadcasts.
3- A mechanism in the group via which the information is rapidly propagated to the entire group.
4- The message being propagated must be worthy of being propagated.

05 January 2006


This is funny. So there's this 'blink' book that talks about making decisions in a blink.

And now there's a counter-blink book: Think! : Why Crucial Decisions Can't Be Made in the Blink of an Eye: Books

04 January 2006

Web 2.0

So apparently 06 is the year.
Online videos will get popular in 06.

Google Earth War

Gotto check out.

01 January 2006

A new year begins

I want to be an expert in search engine marketing in particular and consumer marketing in general in 2006.